Hey! I'm Emmanuel Alabi,
a software developer.

I'm not an expert computer programmer. I'm just an aspiring teenage software developer who is passionate about making amazing things for the web.

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About me

I am an ambitious individual who is dedicated to learning and growing in the world of technology. I have a strong passion for coding and creating, and am always looking for new and innovative ways to improve my skills. I am always eager to take on new challenges and am not afraid to experiment and try new things.

Aside from that, I'm a high schooler and a huge esports fan, and when I'm not coding, you can find me studying, gaming, or writing speculative fiction

My skillset

Languages and frameworks:

HTML CSS Javascript TypeScript Python Bootstrap TailwindCSS MUI Jquery NodeJS React Next.js Gatsby Vue.js Flask Django SQLite PostgreSQL mySQL

Other Tools

Git Github Gitlab VSCode Gitpod Netlify Render Heroku Canva Figma

Search Engine Optimization I recognize that it's important for websites to actually be found, so I always make sure to follow best practices when it comes to ensuring that a website will appear on a search engine.

Unique UI/UX and Responsive Design Using techniques such as the mobile-first design approach, media queries, and the like, I strive to make sure that websites and applications look good across all screen sizes.

Database and server-side functionalities I can create dynamic, fast websites and applications that are capable of collecting and storing data, analyzing user traffic, and more.

My projects


Techbasezero - Full stack web application. A blog celebrating the awesome and surreal of technology.

north_east See Live Preview - https://techbasezero.onrender.com/


Portfolio v1 - Static website. The first verson of my portfolio website.

north_east See Live Preview - https://2937.netlify.app/

Get in Touch

Fill out the form to send me message. I look forward to any comission/collaboration opportunites.

© Built with passion and pure CSS by @mralabiemmanuel